When our customers are so awesome they crash the site.

Yesterday, we got in a goodie bag from our friends at Esoterica.  You know, all the stuff that everyone wants… In our own excitement, we rushed to get the new products live on the website and of course tell the world that yes, indeed, this little shop in Jackson Mississippi managed to snag some of the hardest to get tobacco.   Annnd… the website promptly crashed from the raving fans and customers who desperately want to add a tin or bag of esoterica to their cellars.

Compounded by the fact that just days before we doubled the performance on the hosting server.  But, rest assured, after tweaking the caching, continued work on the performance of the site, we *think* we’ll be more ready next time.

We’re awestruck at our customers our friends who come and visit us in person and on our website and promise to you that we’ll continue to work to make the experience and the service one that you expect from a niche little shop engine that could.

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