Meet Parson’s Blend… developed for the parson himself! One of our dear customers, who happens to be an Anglican priest, asked for a blend that his wife would let him smoke indoors and that also would not lead to tongue bite. Parson’s Blend is our effort to deliver these characteristics in a mild, aromatic blend that leaves your mouth feeling soft and smooth and fills the room with a delicious, warm note.
Customers often say that Parson’s Blend’s smoke is “thick”; our experience is that it leaves you in the midst of a very pleasant cloud. Delicate and crowd-pleasing!
Steven Green –
I’ve smoked this now for years and it is my go-to blend. Doesn’t have the tongue bite I experience with most aromatics. My wife loves the smell. She still won’t let me smoke it inside, but I guess I can’t have everything.
L –
Although I don’t go to my briar daily, this blend is the closest thing I know to an “all day smoke”. Delicious and mild, it exactly hits the mark. It’s also very kind to the mouth. Still, it’s not one to mindlessly imbibe. It’s interesting and inviting; the spouse – and pooch – like it, too. When I don’t have a strong preference for my relaxation time, “the Parson” always comes to mind. It makes my office into a professor’s haven.
Cody Crowley (verified owner) –
While I have been enjoying The Country Squire’s non-aromatic blends (Cornishman, Tidewater), this may become my regular smoke.
Definitely a much softer taste with no bite, with a nice fruity scent and mouth feel. It was an easy start to a nice summer day yesterday on my porch with a MM corncob pipe. Along with the other aforementioned blends above, I’ll be ordering more of this!
Greg Godwin (verified owner) –
This has become my favorite Country Squire blend. Although I also love the Cornishman and several others, this is the one I pack the most often. Smooth, mildly fruity, and easy on the tongue. A Jon David masterpiece! Highly recommended!
jctduncan21 (verified owner) –
My favorite of the house aromatic blends from the Country Squire. Mild and soothing to smoke but also delicious in a subtle way. If I could only have two tobaccos, they would be Parson’s blend and Shepherds Pie. These are the only two I felt compelled to review. Highly recommended.
Aaron –
I’ve tried several Country Squire blends, but this has become my favorite blend from anywhere. And, that’s not just because I’m a Baptist Preacher! It is a very pleasant smoke that smells terrific. I’ve been smoking it in my truck, love the smell.
Kyle (verified owner) –
Hands down the best aromatic I’ve ever smoked! Thick smoke that leaves the mouth feeling smooth. Incredible room note and taste. This pastor loves the Parson’s Blend!
Tex (verified owner) –
Good blend. Smooth. The lack of bite is real. I think it’s on the strong side when it comes to nicotine. Caught a bit of a buzz. ?
Jim (verified owner) –
I like this and yes my spouse remarked she liked the smell , about the only tobacco she had said this about! I agree it is fruity though not due what fruit , great job John David
Adam (verified owner) –
Fantastic. Nice and thick smoke. Smells amazing. Tastes even better. Burns cleanly to the bottom of the bowl.
Lance Beckett (verified owner) –
I recently decided to try Parson’s Blend, and I do not regret it! This has become my favorite (currently) aromatic. The flavor is sweet without being cloyingly so, there’s a quality to it that catches the desire for a stone fruit without the medicinal quality of a cherry. I will be keeping this on hand to be sure.
cbone97 (verified owner) –
Mild but not weak, this is a satisfying blend with a moderate nic hit that allows you to taste the fruit and tobacco with neither getting in the others’ way. Burns well, no bite whatsoever, maybe a little spice in the retrohale from a trace of perique(?). Withholding the 5th star as I personally prefer Virginias to burley, but I could see it being 5 stars for a burley lover as long as they aren’t opposed to a little fruit on the side.
Daniel K. (verified owner) –
I’m falling in love with blend. ‘Tis mild but satisfying and produces billowy smoke with a delicate & delicious taste of fruit and clove perfectly paired to the burley’s natural nuttiness. It’s a refreshing concoction that had me saying “amen, amen, amen.” I’m no parson, but I am a longtime member of a religious order and this tobacco blend has surely been kissed by the Holy Spirit!
JMN (verified owner) –
New to the store, and the blend, Both out of this world!!
Mark Kirkland (verified owner) –
I am a Continuing Anglican deacon, and I love this blend! Perfect burn rate, stays lit while you are smoking no constant relighting. Goes out only when you put the pipe down. Perfect moisture content great aroma. I also am impressed with the quick service when I had a logging in problem. I will be coming back.
Devin L. –
It’s hard to say something about this blend that hasn’t already been said but I feel compelled to leave a review for it nonetheless. This is by far my favorite aromatic, the pleasant aroma, taste and lack of tongue bite is out of this world. I received this blend as a Christmas present from my wife and have to say it is my favorite present this holiday season. This will be a constant companion of mine to this wonderful journey called life. Thanks for making a truly wonderful blend.
Elijah Raine (verified owner) –
Thick, billowing, flavorful clouds of smoke. A sweetness on the intake followed by a distinct citrus fruit flavor and a fresh burley tobacco. Consistent to the last puff. Hard to sip this one cos it’s so good! Always gonna stay stocked on Parson’s Blend.
chuckcoulter45 (verified owner) –
Got this blend in yesterday 02/14/2024.. fist bowl is awesome!! No bite , mega smoke and no relights! Wonder flavors and the wifey loves it too!. Gonna order another pound to cellar… Thanks for the recommendation guys..
Matt Gower (verified owner) –
It’s worth the hype. Beautiful burley with a soft fruit flavoring that doesn’t overpower the experience.
Martin Kollman (verified owner) –
I have had 3 bowls of this and found out the more I dry it the better I like this blend for a very light all day type pipe tobacco. The burley is pronounced enough you get a good tobacco flavor with all the nuttiness you would expect but there are enough other flavor notes to keep it exciting and add a little complexity to your afternoon of enjoyment. The fruit that everyone talks about is not a heavy flavor but something to be reflected on and builds a bit as you smoke. Take slow puffs to keep your bowl cool and you will be rewarded with beautiful smoke that is a little sweet and relaxing. Out of the bag it was damp for me and hissed a bit, so I set it out for 10-20 minutes the next time and it came into it’s own. Beautiful big smoke that is great for rings and a room note that is quite pleasant to everyone around.
MB McCreight (verified owner) –
I purchased this to work toward an expansion in my tastes. I thought it would be much like cherry blends that are cough syrupy and throat coating. This is by far the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. I am probably wrong when I say it tastes like a tart or crumble. blackberry and something like caramalized brown sugar. It is subtlely sweet and leaves a pleasant taste to the palate. I feel as though I just finished eating a pie and the crust’s absorbtion of the fruit still leaves a buttery sweet feel along with a slight, extremely faint tart feel. This is my new favorite relaxing blend and my wife didn’t make me shower before bed after this one so its a total win.
Father Sanford Sears (verified owner) –
As an Anglican Priest this is my go to. If I have a long and rather tedious Vestry Meeting, I light this right up. If members complain I remind them that we are a church that uses incense.
billy.braddock (verified owner) –
Well after 49 years of smoking non aromatics, I think I’ve found a blend in this one to satisfy and to smoke all day.
Cool, dry, great room note and flavor.
This is a keeper and most likely my new all day smoke. Good job!