A truly exotic cocktail of tobacco; full-flavored, yet mild. We refer to this blend as a “hybrid” because it has characteristics of English and Aromatic pipe blends. Semi-sweet flavors are accented by a dash of Latakia to make each bowl its own adventure. One of our most complex blends. Extremely pleasing to your companions, Hunting Creek has an intoxicating room note.
Hunting Creek (English Aromatic)
Categories Squire Crafted House Blends, Tobaccos, Squire Aromatics
Tags aromatic, pipe tobacco, Squire Aromatic, Squire Crafted House Blends
L –
English-aromatic hybrids are not easily created IMHO but Jon David was up to the challenge on this one. Slightly sweet but rich and full bodied. This has an amazing flavor AND room note for a blend containing latakia. I can add a little Frog Morton or Bengal Slices to make the blend lean toward a traditional style English or leave it alone because it’s so good on its own. Bravo, sir!
Jason Wilcox –
As advertised. Should be the next step for sure for an aromatic smoker.
Jeff Arnold (verified owner) –
Very nice. I was looking for a smoke similar to McClelland’s Frog Morton so I contacted the Pros at The Country Squire. They recommended Hunting Creek. I tried it in a Cob and Squat Bulldog Briar. I must say, “it is close”. Hunting Creek is just a tad more aromatic that the Frog Morton and the Frog Morton has a bit more of the Latakia. However, I was not led astray with Hunting Creek. What a great smoke!
Jay Hays –
Four stars for Hunting Creek, solely because it’s lacking just a hair of latakia. This is a five-star blend but more aromatic than English. It has, regardless, becoming a favorite for my first pipe of the morning because the creamy semisweet tone complements beautifully a morning cup of light sweet Colombian. There is enough latakia here to make this a blend that engages a huge bunch of my palate, but not quite enough to really stand alone as a crossover.
Highly recommended as a mixture for aro fans who are lat-curious, but not ready to really commit to it. Personally I love both aros and Englishes, so this absolutely deserves a spot in my rotation.
crowley.affa (verified owner) –
Nice after dinner treat, the room note pleasing to any one that may be around. but to just relax in your smoking chair after a good hardy meal skipping desert cause Hunters Creek is a treat in its self not to sweet but yet just enough to say good evening with a light hint of latakia reminding you of a fall evening of leafs covering the trail you had walked down earlier that day. Damn good job gentlemen keep up the outstanding work at The Country Squire.
Alinpass (verified owner) –
This is the sweetest, smoothest pipe aromatic tobacco I have yet tried. It is easily in my top 3. Smells so good that everyone asks about it. I plan to buy this for many years to come.
Justin –
Wow— I was looking for a crossover-like blend because I’m getting curious about English blends and I know TCS has the goods.I don’t anything about English blends or latakia other than that they’re “full flavored”.
So here goes: the aromatic component reminds me of Old Toby but certainly not as sweet or strong.
As for the English style, well that’s new to me so all I can say is that it definitely has flavor that the other TCS non aromatics (in my experience Green Dragon and Cowboy Coffee) don’t have— so new to my palate but fantastic.
“Semi sweet “ as it’s described is pretty accurate. Aromatic aspect wanes toward the end of the bowl.
If you want to take a step toward English and you’re fond of aromatics this is a good step. But I think I will agree with others who say this is definitely more aromatic than English but no harm there— it’s a wonderful smoke.
Mark Montimurro (verified owner) –
The good folks at The Country Squire mistakenly included 2oz. of Hunting Creek in a recent order I placed. At first ‘sniff’, I though, “oh no, I’m gonna hate this” but as it turns out, I love it. Out of the pouch, it did seem excessively sweet but it smokes beautifully. As mentioned by others here, it is exceedingly smooth but not boring in the least, it got loads of character. (And added kudos to TCS for telling me to keep it and they sent me what I had originally ordered, at no extra cost…)
Gene Bowker (verified owner) –
I’ve had a jar of this aging for about a year and found it this morning when I went looking for something “different” to start my day with. This one is a winner to me as it provides the smokiness of an English with a roomnote that my wife actually complimented. The sweetness is in the smoke, but it’s complimented by some nuttiness (Burley?). The latakia comes in and out with a nice smoky edge without being a LATBOMB by any means.
It reminds me of Frog Morton in many ways.
Ryan (verified owner) –
I enjoy a broad range of tobacco blends, but when I’m outdoors with the family in the evenings I smoke Hunting Creek. It’s a delight to me with its pleasing nose, burn, and lack of any tongue bite. My wife and daughters love it because of the incredible room note. My wife says it smells like what her beloved uncle smoked in his pipe when she was a child.
drmacdona (verified owner) –
Just received two ounces to sample and quickly can pronounce this as yet another inspired blend from The Country Squire. Hunting Creek burns slowly, cooly and reliably– if packed properly, it’s bite free with almost no relights. The smoke body is dense and creamy, the sweetness is at the forefront of a range of other alluring flavors and the room note is pleasantly enticing as well. Ticking all of the boxes, this easily could be an all-day blend.
Scott Godlewski (verified owner) –
I’m not an every day piper, nor even an every week piper, but I have been at it long enough to know what I like and that’s an English Aromatic. Hunting Creek is the cream of that crop. Sweet and smoky, it pushes every one of my buttons.
chamberlaindavidd (verified owner) –
Give this one a try you’ll enjoy it. It’s in my top 3-4 blends of all time. It’s very very very wet from the shop but smokes cool has a rich smooth tobacco flavor with nice spice and sweetness. A super blend on it’s own I keep this one around mostly to blend into Old Toby which in my humble opinion is the best smoke that is, has, ever will and ever could be made by mortals.
Anthonyajohnson404 (verified owner) –
This instantly took me back to a boating trip down a river at summer camp years ago and also at a lake. I remember the distinct flavour of the waters. Fresh water, sand, herbage. This tobacco embodies that for me. It’s in the name you chose for this tobacco and while finishing the bowl I was amazed at how you all managed to do it.
Tristan LaRue (verified owner) –
Like most Squire blends it smokes incredibly well, with little fuss to get big plumes of perfect white smoke. Easily one of my top three blends from the store, it’s just sweet enough over the smokey latakia to edge it over into the English Aromatic territory. Pleasant on the nose, it’s been big hit with people trying pipe tobacco for the first time as well as more experienced smokers in my group of friends.
willevanson (verified owner) –
Hunting Creek is a delightful, savory and not overly sweet blend with enough complexity to make each bowl a slightly unique experience every time. I detected hints of citrus and vanilla amongst the very balanced and smooth notes of the ingredient tobaccos. Everything in this blend cooperates from start to finish, creating a very enjoyable experience.
Mark (verified owner) –
Excellent. And the room note is indeed sublime.
I personally prefer PS blend as it has a bit more Latakia, but that doesn’t take away from how good Hunting Creek is. A new staple in my “pantry” if only for the intoxicating room note.
Tony (verified owner) –
Just like dealing with these Tobacconist, this tobacco is absolutely awesome. One of my go to blends that I don’t want to ever be without.
Jon (verified owner) –
Fantastic smoke. Outstanding bag note of light chocolate and vanilla, and I almost get sort of a boozy type note as well. Stayed lit very nicely after a bit of dry time. Pleasantly mild with a faint hint of Latakia and a seemingly low nic hit. The room note will definitely make you some friends. Most certainly an all day smoke. This is a welcome departure after smoking so many heavy English blends. Glad I ordered 4oz and will surely order more when I run out. Well done JD.
Nae (verified owner) –
Sat in bag for a few months (about 4 to 6). It was still wet when I got to smoke it. I got a nuttiness (pecan and walnut like) and chocolate and a hint of some caramel and vanilla. Has a hint on latakia, you would barely notice it if you did not have a lat blend before.
Personally, I liked this more than Parsons Blend! It smells really good too.
Christopher Blake (verified owner) –
This is my favorite aromatic that I’ve tried from The Country Squire thus far, even better than Old Toby in my opinion.
Smokes so smooth and the flavors just swirl together in different ways throughout the bowl.
I’m currently smoking a bowl of Hunting Creek in a green Alligator 311 and it is just as good as it gets for an aromatic.
Do yourself a favor and try this blend.
Five stars all the way around!
Nae (verified owner) –
I reviewed this a few weeks ago (May 19th) and have circled back to raise the rating.
Since the review, I’ve been reaching for this ALOT when I’m not smoking Eastfarthing or Northwoods. I now see this as a better Eastfarthing (my go to! Some people say it reminds of Frog Morton) and want to order more to try it fresh considering my bag was several months old.
Try this out! You won’t regret it!!!
gkkbb1016 (verified owner) –
Of the 4 tobaccos I have ordered from the Country Squire, this is my favorite. I can definitely taste the aromatic component, but it doesn’t drown out the tobacco flavors. Being very new to pipe smoking and lacking a discerning palate, I don’t sense much latakia, but I do smell it in the room note. Amazing tobacco in my opinion, and I will definitely buy more in the future.
James Sherwood –
When Country Squire came to Texas for the pipe show in Dallas I purchased two ounces of this blend. I asked the gentleman working at the booth what he suggested in an English aromatic blend. I have been told so many times by other tobacco shops that you cannot have an English in an aromatic . Obviously they were wrong . The gentleman at the booth immediately suggested this blend and he could not have been more right. I am not necessarily new to pipe smoking but I am new to English blends. I would put this blend right up with GL Pease’s Maltese Falcon, Quiet Nights or Gaslamp. I could go on and on but to sum it up if you’re looking for a nice smooth blend that doesn’t burn hot and requires very few re-lights, this blend is for you. Give it a shot and I am certain you will not be disappointed.
Zack (verified owner) –
A really excellent blend.. A vanilla and soft chocolate profile, meets a gentle, smoky, Latakia. This truly is a delicious Hybrid of Aromatic and a slight English twist.
Roland Nixon (verified owner) –
A excellent pipe tobacco the combination is outstanding
William G (verified owner) –
Have never tried a English aromatic until I purchased this. Got 4 ounces to try because I was missing my English blends. In colder months I smoke inside and to make the better half pleased I smoke aromatics. After trying a few bowls I was in love. And it got her approval. Immediately bought 1 pound of it. Extremely excellent blend and one I can find myself smoking often!
Terry Napoli (verified owner) –
An absolutely perfect English Aromatic. Just the right amount of sweet vanilla like taste that lasts throughout the bowl. A fantastic blend of Black Cavendish, Burley, Latakia and Virginia’s to maintain that wonderful smooth, smoky yet luscious tobacco flavor with just enough Latakia to remind you it’s an English blend. Has no bite whatsoever. By far the best Aromatic English I have ever tried.
PaPiper (verified owner) –
An amazing blend of English with a real touch of the aromatic flavor. So pleasant and a great addtion to your tobacco collection and rotation. Just the right amount of Latakia adds to the roundness of the entire blend.
PaPiper (verified owner) –
An amazing blend for an aromatic with a touch of England. Nice smooth, no bite, and a nice round flavor due to the Latakia. A great blend of two worlds. A very nice journey.
Scott Pickett (verified owner) –
My favorite aromatic!
scottpatricksailors (verified owner) –
Rich, smooth, contemplative, and consoling, Hunting Creek is an excellent companion to your favorite beverage. (Mine is Laphroaig 1815 Select single malt scotch distilled on the Isle of Islay off the coast of Scotland.) It also pairs well with a good cup of coffee. It is my first smoke of the morning, every morning (with the coffee not the scotch). I even have a pipe dedicated to it. Cannot recommend highly enough.